When he was young

I found several pictures of my dad when he was young.  The first one I found was him with his 2nd grade class, interestingly, he is next to Carl Brockbank (our family doctor when I was growing up).  I then found a picture of what I think is his sisters and the dog.   I then found a picture of him with his dog.  I found a picture of John, Harvey, Sisters and some cousins and a picture of the Samuel and Clara Moore family.

This is my dad's 2nd grade class, on the back of picture was the names.  My dad is on the upper left, standing next to his friend and neighbor Carl Brockbank. It us 1827, so my dad is probably 7.

I had heard of my dad's dog Sark, maybe this is him.  I remember that my dad said he was an excellent sheep dog and he would herd sheep with his dog. 
This is my dad with his dog Sark.  I wish I could remember the stories that he told me about the dog.

This is a picture of Samuel and Clara Moore with their children and grandchildren.  Based on the next picture I think my dad is the 2nd from the right on the 2nd row.  I would guess he is about 5.  I think Harvey is on the back row on the right and Clara is on the back row in the middle.

Kids in the Moore family with cousins.  Clara is back center, Harvey to her right.  John is in front of Harvey.  I am not sure which Eleanor and Orpha are.  My guess is that Eleanor is the one on the far left holding the baby (I think Iris).  Orpha my be right in front of Clara.  


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